The world we live in is one of constant change and evolution. Thanks to the internet, these changes have been occurring much faster in different areas of daily life, such as social, entertainment, and also the economy, especially since the emergence of cryptocurrencies.
Long before the emergence of the internet and the possibility of being able to use money in a freer way, it was very common that people had to go to banks to make deposits or transfers.
Today, this is all a thing of the past. For some time now, technological solutions have been appearing that help users in different aspects, one of them being the one developed by Omni Labs.
Omni Labs is a holding company dedicated to developing different technological solutions for the different needs of today’s users. One of their next solutions is called MoniFlow, which is a financial application that will allow easier management of money and the economy of the users.
“The Money Fair is the connecting point of the Fintech world. This year, the company Omni Labs was present to present its new product: MoniFlow. In this event, Omni Labs wants to network and look for potential investors for their different projects for which they presented their new product MoniFow.”
This financial solution is born from the growing need to provide a Fintech solution that is accessible to all at a low cost and that also allows people to connect from anywhere and send money wherever they need.
MoniFlow will begin a beta testing phase in which selected users will have preferential access to all its benefits and services. The service will go live in mid-November of this year, starting in the United States with a projected expansion to Latin America by the second quarter of 2022.
“We have discussed our expansion plans with many potential partners and have received a very positive response. It is clear that many players in the Fintech space are excited about moving into Latin America, cross-border payments, and banking in unbanked communities, both in the US and abroad,” Alexandra Cook, Head of MoniFlow, shares.
At OmniLabs they believe that their MoniFlow service is for everyone everywhere. They believe in the democratization of banking and financial inclusion without the need to take into account descent.
“We will offer our users a manageable account from a mobile app to better manage their finances. As a team we are working in an integrated way, we have submitted the product to several tests to ensure that we can provide an effective service, under the highest quality standards.”
MoniFlow will be launched in mid-November. People looking to obtain more information can visit OmniLabs’ website or write to the email They can also follow OmniLabs on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and TikTok.
To learn more about Omni Labs and its products, click here.